19 August 2007

whyyyy can't we be friiiiends (and by friends, I mean get remarried)

Dear Chris Robinson & Kate Hudson,

I miss The Good Ole Days.



Fashion Fleur said...


Anonymous said...

how bout a lil of this... http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/14760783.html#cutid1

Anonymous said...

I just saw that really long comment you left me about the Feds. I can't say I think it's just the tip of the iceberg. It's an iceberg of its very own, and one that strikes me as the most critical according to my values & concerns. The international bankers behind all of it have much bigger, much more pressing, terrifying plans & the sort of evidence I buy. I really don't want to ditch my country. You know I'm infatuated with it & would die for it any day of the week with a shit-eatin' grin splashed across my red white & blue face. I choose to champion this cause. I'm a classial liberal & always will be, always was, quite proudly. Fanaticism is dangerous business. I feel much more effective away from the fringe. In the trenches, that's where i'd rather be, with the average & down-to-earth folks. It's something just like Dylan in a field or that speech Ashley Wilkes makes when Scarlett sneaks out of her nap. I don't feel like I deserve kudos for being curious & paying attention. I've always paid attention. I've been raised to pay attention. My father was on alert when I emerged from the womb, so it was a prerequisite. I just pick & choose my battles as wisely as possible.

If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow, eh?

The entire history of POWER is corrupt, not just the American presidency. I respect all of our presidents, even if I detest some of them. I weigh the good and the bad. Never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccassins & all that jazz, right? It's sheer arrogance & ego. I'm fucking done with my ego. Maybe that's all the acid speaking, but it's a goddamned blessing. Nobody on Earth, and most especially not in the bright cushy halls of American academia, can come close to feeling the pressures of presidency or knowing the crazy agendas various power-hungry pigs had behind it all. We're so far removed. I also don't believe everything I read. Hell, I don't believe over half of the shit I read or am told.

I just want to be nice to everybody, "prepare for weirdness" as it will inevitably be on its way very soon, stay happy, and avoid microchips. ;)