30 June 2007

you know my name!

I lovelovelove cake.

and LOVE.

21 June 2007

what would you do if I sang out of tune?

Before we went to India in May, we went to Six Flags with Kim & David and Katrina & Dustin. And I just realized they're all Ks and Ds. Weird!

ALSO: http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v145/steph529/2007/may/india

20 June 2007

count the headlights on the highway

Soooo far today I have had a highly productive day. I'm hung in a weird spot right now, where the job that I work doesn't really have tons of hours available to me, and I can't seem to get a second job on the weekends to supplement this lackage of income. Aren't restaurants always supposed to be hiring? We'll see. So Sean went to work, on a play being produced at our college, and I was left here all day, car-less. It has worked out to my advantage!
First of all, we both woke up at 4:30freakinAM. I made pancakes, because my beautiful little husband tends to forget to eat when he's gone all day. We watched a little bit of Star Wars, (episode 6) because we always watch Star Wars while we eat. I can't explain it. We're nerds. Then he left, and I started reading National Geographic, intending to go back to bed after he called me to let me know the car didn't break down on the way there. Of course, I never made it back to bed, because after he called he informed me there was something about the play on the news. So I trekked to his mother's house, and we watched the news, and then I went back home and back to my magazine. It was while reading that I saw a photograph that I thought was beautiful. It was of a Kenyan tribe's wedding celebrations. So I started to paint a painting inspired by and similar to the photograph, and finished that after about three hours. I took photos, but I don't have them right now. Maybe in a few days?
I've spent the rest of the day watching baby shows on Discovery Health (I have no idea why) or going outside with Sean's mom's Pomeranian, Molly, and taking pictures. It has been wonderful.
I also need to get all my India pictures! We went to India for 3 weeks, and I took so many photos, and have none of my own. I do, however, have a lot that other people took, such as:

Also, the times on this thing are way jacked up. It's almost 5, not 2:30.

19 June 2007

18 June 2007

I have no idea why I started this or if I will actually update it. I'm not sure what exactly I would update it WITH, as I can't imagine too many people will be terribly interested. Mostly I plan to use it to just get random ideas and thoughts out, and if someone else finds something here worth reading, then I hope you enjoy yourself. :)