18 August 2007

soooo, sally can wait

This week has been ridiculous. We've both been been working the most insane shifts. Mine was of my own making, so I can't complain, but Sean's is like 8AM-MIDNIGHT all the time. PLUS, we just moved in Thursday afternoon, so our apartment still has boxes everywhere.

We've come to the startling realization that we have ENTIRELY too many books. It's alright, because we do actually read them, but it's kind of amazing. We have 4 seperate shelves and a few crates to hold them all. We're alright now, but thank God there are no more Harry Potters coming out, because we'd reach capacity soon.

Classes start Monday! I'm actually-and this is quite nerdy, I know-excited. I want to get back in the swing of things. I think I have 3 more semesters, hopefully, and then I'm FINISHED. I like to think in terms of semesters, as opposed to years, because it makes it seem shorter. It's 1 1/2 years, if you're wondering. My projected graduation date is December 2009, which will put me at 5 1/2 years in college. I am aware that this figure is ridiculous, but in my defense, I have changed universities three times, and my major just as many. So. Really, since I started Sociology last August, it's not taking me that long at all.

Our apartment is TINY. So, so much smaller than either of us anticipated. It will be lovely when we're finished, but it's definitely a good thing we don't really have a lot of furniture. Ooh, we DID buy a bed frame. And it is AMAZING. For the longest time (the entire time we've been together) we've slept on Sean's mattresses on the floor. My first goal in the living space aspect of our relationship was to move back into a somewhat decent city, as we lived out in Godknowswhere up until last week. My second goal was to GET THE BED OFF THE FLOOR.
I have succeeded in both!

I had a complete and utter girl moment today (Kim, that's why you have a missed call). I found something an ex-girlfriend had given Sean, which was fine, because I'm usually ok with that stuff. But in the back of it, she had listed all these reasons why she loved him, and a lot of them are the same reasons I love him, and it completely stung that he had experienced these exact things with someone else. OBVIOUSLY, I know he has. I know he has ex-girlfriends, I have ex-boyfriends--you do some of the same things. Basic personalities don't change just because your partner does. But everyone likes to operate under the guise that everything their significant other does in their relationship is unique to them, and it really sucks when you have actual proof that it's not.

Needless to say, he threw away the gift.

I didn't even feel bad about it. I told him how I feel about that kind of stuff--if it's something that's truly amazing to keep around, that's fine. He has a painting one ex-girlfriend did hanging up. That doesn't bother me, because it's actually a cool painting. But other things, like notes and gifts and etc., I don't understand keeping. To me, when the relationship ends, those things become material possessions, just like any other thing, and the sentimental value leaves. I don't have things people have given me in the past. I either left it at my mom's house, or it didn't make it in the move to Sean's. So, I don't know. He doesn't keep pictures, or notes, but just random stuff people have given him. Most of it is fine. This, however, was not, because it made me cry.

AND that is the story of that part of my day.

I have 9 hours left at work. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.

I'm going to re-read Harry Potter. And see if Sean will buy me macaroni and cheese later. Oh yes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I was asleep. That is horrific. I curled up in my chair and cringed and got an uneasy feeling in my stomach because you're so right. A big E.T. OUUUCH connection moment. I can't think about that stuff. You're never supposed to think about that stuff, so when it finds you instead it's completely unacceptable. Even if it's pointless and meaningless now, it gets you right in the gut. We'll have to actually discuss it in the non-blog world. I'm at work tonight so maybe we can IM. I hope Sean's feeling better. Don't work yourselves to death.