12 August 2007

we all float on ALRIGHT

The other day I had the trippiest dream. It was trippy in that I had the same dream two times in a row, but in the second key elements had changed. Falala.

We are moving THIS Friday, and planning a huge gigantic colorful brilliant amazing "Yay, we live in Huntsville now!/Yay, Kim and David are visiting!" get-together extravaganza. Everyone who reads this and lives in the vicinity is invited. If Goldie Hawn's son is already in Huntsville, he's invited. For. Sure. I doubt it though. I also don't think it will be a huge event, mostly because the new soon-to-be-ours! abode will not be too too large.

I love my husband. He is the most stunning individual in my life. This was brought on by his discussion of the apocolypse he is engaged in right now with his mother. Mmmmm.

SO, so. I got a new job! I will be the Arts & Leisure Senior Writer at the paper at my college. Hopefully, this is will be fun. And fruitful. And enjoyable. And not awful. We shall see.

I have a new blog that I read like a madperson, Desert Peace. I linked to it. The man who writes it is a working for Palestinian civil rights in Israel.

I really have nothing legitimate to say, I just need a way to fill time before we vacate.

5 days!


Keely said...

Woo-hoo, yay for moving! Ill try to make it to the celebration! Sounds like fun!

Thanks for the pooch compliment. Duke is a Boston Terrier...but really I think he has some potbelly pig in there somewhere...he snorts SO much! Its funny though. We adopted him a year ago this September, and hes an awesome dog.

Fashion Fleur said...

hey there! i changed my blog web address to fashionfleur.blogspot.com!