08 August 2007

*cue Olympics theme song*

AND NOW, for your comic relief of the day:

I was reading this article about the 2008 Olympics, and because the Summer Olympics are in my top 10 favorite things about being ALIVE list, I got really, really excited. Especially because it says they start on August 8th. So excited to the point that I forgot I am currently living in 2007, and was thinking about how I can go home after work and watch the opening night, and I'll have to get Sean's mom to TiVo specific events for me since I'll be working during the week and etc. I even called Sean to tell him but he, luckily, did not answer his phone. And then I had a rude, rude awakening, when I went to NBC's site, and there was NOTHING Olympics related on the main page. I was momentarily confused, because I figured if opening night is TONIGHT, surely there would be ...something? AND THEN, it dawned on me that this is 2007, not 2008, and I still have a full 365 days to wait.
Well, I guess 364 1/2.

I think when we get home, I'll ask Sean to run around the backyard and hop some bushes and throw a javelin and MAYBE even turn a cartwheel. Just to make me feel better.


OH, and Keely tagged me for this:
4 jobs I have had: server at Ruby Tuesday, information desk person at UAH, cashier at Tender's, and I worked for my parents. Not in that order.

4 films I would watch over and over: E.T., Almost Famous, Alice's Restaurant, Help!

4 places I have lived : Baton Rouge, Louisiana; New Orleans, Louisiana; Tarrant, Alabama; Albertville, Alabama.

4 favorite T.V shows: I don't watch TV! I like Pucca, when I see it.

4 favorite foods: macaroni and cheese, all kinds of salads, lots of kinds of pastas, and ice cream!

4 web sites I visit everyday: facebook. Aahahaa.

4 places I love to be: the ocean!, home with Sean, anywhere with Sean, in the clouds.

4 favorite colors: yellow, white, turquoise, orange

4 names I love but wouldn't use for my children: Nadia, Rose, Jasmine, Apple.


Keely said...

I see we share a love of pasta, and ice cream, and the ocean...mmmhmmm. Wonderful.

Fashion Fleur said...

cute survey thing!
haha I'm addicted to facebook too lol!

Anonymous said...

Your Olympics excitement is contagious. I can't wait for Sean to witness the explosion. Bust some Olympic cherry, Wang.

I'll probably steal this because that's what I do.