02 September 2007

you CAN be heard.

YOU cannot imagine how HAPPY and overjoyed I was on August 31st, when Sean and I heard on NPR that Kenneth Foster's death sentence had been overturned on the 30th, SIX HOURS before he was to be killed. We first heard about the case in July, on Democracy Now!, and I've been following it since then, signing all the petitions, visiting the websites (such as this one- FreeKenneth.com, and there are so many international ones about this issue, it's hard to keep track!), and hoping that somehow, SOMEONE would step in. And the governor of TEXAS (and you KNOW they never do this) commuted his sentence! It's only the THIRD time in his entire term he's done that. Kenneth Foster was completely, 100% innocent, and an all-white jury in Texas used a morbidly old law to incarcerate & sentence him to death. It was ridiculous and one of the most blantant abuse of civil liberties.
This part of the website will explain everything about Kenneth's case to you.

In other news, I read the most disturbing article online the other day, basically stating that post-Labor Day, there is a plan being rolled out by the U.S. government to help rally support for war with Iran. If we go to war with Iran, there is no hope for our country. Have we not learned from all other empires in the past? You fall by stretching yourself too thin. Instead of insisting it's our way or no one's way, why we can't we pratice peace? It's not naive, and it's not ridiculous, to hope that our country is somehow capable of being kind to the rest of the world. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER. If our country falls, who do they think is going to help us out? Britain? Maybe. That's probably IT. Everyone is so opposed to the U.S. and the domanation regime it's running right now.

Anyway, this is one of the examples of what I read. The same article is all over the internet. If that doesn't make sense, tell me--what does? It's SCARY.

I haven't blogged in forever. We've been moving in, then the first few weeks of classes...it's been hectic. We saw the Black Crowes last Wednesday! 'Twas amazing, as always. They're definitely my favorite presently-performing band. They suit me, and Sean as well. The second they came onstage, he was like "I'm growing my hair. I'm growing it."
Aaaah, my love.

Bob Dylan & Elvis Costello are playing together in ATL, and we're going! And with Kim and David! It. Will. Be. Amazing.

I think I'm going to sponsor a child in Palestine. Freedom of Palestine is the issue strongest in my heart. It rips me into billions of pieces.


Anonymous said...

Boy, I love hearing about waging war on countries with nuclear capability! Mmm, makes my morning cup o' java just that much richer. WHAT THE FUCK.

Why not go ahead and send troops to North Korea while we're at it? It's a great plan. Let's borrow a little more money from the feds, give their little dicks big juicy hard-ons that they can whack off to images of Americans in chains.

Anonymous said...

On a brighter note, your Flickr montage thingy is especially fun to watch right now. I want to just take pictures for you to fuck with. Why is photoshop so expensive??

Anonymous said...

ONE MORE thing... I printed out a bunch of Kenneth's poems for Theresa, my housekeeping manager, because her son just got arrested for having a gun under his seat. She's been in mental hell. Listen to this... He was in a friend's car, and one of the guys in the back put it under the chair when they got pulled over. He's out of jail, but they're still going to have a court case & all that. In the meantime, he got in a car accident so bad that his jaw is now wired shut and he's on bed rest at home. So she reads this stuff, and I showed her all his pictures. I could tell it was very uplifting for her. She made me print out the story, his pictures, a bunch of poems... she's going to have all the housekeepers read it & then take them home to her son. That's just the kind of thing that Savannah needs to hear about. Our new police chief is the same guy who was the chief in L.A. during the riots. That's no lie. It's going to get ugly.

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